OLIVINA - historic century old olive trees

Olivina, the second winery established in California’s first wine region in 1881. Name came from “olives” and “vines”, with olive trees propragated from Mission San Jose Church in Fremont.

Olivina olive oil mini bottles
Charles Crohare, olive oil producer

Olive oils grown, milled and bottled all on the Olivina Estate.

We grow six different cultivars of olives, allowing us to produce six mono-cultivar of extra virgin olive oils. Every drop of our oils are grown here at Olivina, milled on site within hours of being harvested and then bottled as needed to retain the fresh flavors.

Historic Olivina

Olivina established in 1881 by Julius Paul Smith, one of the two brothers that formed Borax soap. Encompassing over 2,000 acres of vineyards, olives, almond and walnut trees. Had the first gravity fed winery in California, producing international gold medal wines in the late 1800’s.

An old Olivina olive oil label
Olivina Pasture ranchers gather round the horse shoe Christmas tree
Driving past the Olivina arch on what is now Arroyo Road

This is the Timeline of Olivina’s History


Olivina estate established by Julius Paul Smith of over 2000 acres of grapes, olives, almonds and walnuts.


Julius Paul Smith passes away, leaving estate to his wife Sara Smith.


Wrought iron Olivina arch is built by Sara Smith in tribute to her late husband. Now a state historical landmark.


Many of the Livermore Valley's 60+ wineries disappear due to prohibition and vine disease, including vines at Olivina.


Crohare Family buys westerly portion of the Olivina estate for cattle ranching, as well as hay farming.


Upon passing of first and second generation of Crohare patriarch, the Olivina was passed on to Charles F. Crohare to carry on.


Sycamore Grove Nature Park established using central portion of the historic Olivina, including California's first gravity fed winery and many century old olive trees.


A state-of-the-art Italian made Alfa Laval olive mill installed to ensure timely processing of the olives to capture the freshest quality extra-virgin olive oil. Charles T. Crohare, 4th generation of the Crohare family is the Master Miller.


Patriarch, Charles F. Crohare passes away at 91 years old.  Handing over control to 4th generation, Charles T. Crohare.

Olivina Gallery

Historical Images

Where to get olivina olive oil

Selling Olivina

Serving Olivina

Olivina olive oil in bottles